
Match each item with a statement below:
a. administrative leadership
b. middle managers
c. people-oriented leadership
d. front-line managers
e. succession planning
f. transactional leadership
g. values
h. goals
i. leadership
j. organizational culture

1) Deepest level of basic and shared assumptions and beliefs
2) Incorporates interdisciplinary teamwork, collaboration, role clarity and innovation
3) Allows smooth transitions and keeps the costs of transitions low
4) Referred to as "linking pins"
5) Instrumental and interpersonal support provided by those who hold senior positions in the organization
6) Provide supervision directly to care providers
7) Process in which one engages others to set and achieve a common goal, often an organizationally defined goal
8) What ought to be found in an organization, distinct from what does exist
9) Relies on direct appeals for performance through explicit reward structures
10) Large aspirations of the organization


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