
Match each item with a statement below:
a. dynamic complexity
b. systems thinking
c. bounded instability
d. double-loop learning
e. team learning
f. combinatorial complexity
g. shared vision
h. personal mastery
i. mental models
j. single-loop learning

1) Discipline of constantly surfacing, testing, and improving our assumptions about how the world works
2) Discipline of generating a common answer to the question, "What do we want to create?"
3) Discipline of seeing wholes, perceiving the structures that underlie dynamically complex systems, and identifying high-leverage change opportunities
4) Discipline of creating alignment such that team members think insightfully about complex problems, synergize their knowledge and skills, and produce coordinated action
5) Arises from the number of constituent elements of a system or the number of interrelationships that might exist among them
6) Situation where a complex system's behavior follows an inherently unpredictable path, but it does so within limits
7) Arises from the operation of feedback loops
8) Simple error-and-correction process whereby problem-solvers look for solutions within an organization's policies, plans, values, and rules
9) Discipline of individual learning, without which organizational learning cannot occur
10) Where problem-solvers attempt to close the gap between desired and actual states of affairs by questioning and modifying the organization's policies, plans, values, and rules


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