
Match each item with a statement below:
a. inert knowledge problem
b. contingent contracts
c. organizational politics
d. power stratification
e. knowledge-based sources of power
f. cognitively active
g. confirming evidence bias
h. fractioning
i. anchoring
j. threat rigidity effect

1) Negotiation tactic which involves separating out the various components of a specific issue
2) An ongoing process of "managing influence"
3) States that when individuals feel threatened, their thinking becomes inflexible
4) Where different stakeholders have unique opportunities to access power based upon their particular characteristics or circumstances
5) Derives from a group's control over the expertise needed to make key decisions and organize production
6) Where negotiators make a "bet" on the future in order to resolve a potentially difficult issue facing them in the negotiation
7) Psychological effect whereby one piece of information tends to influence subsequent thinking
8) Tendency for people to seek out and pay attention only to information that confirms prior beliefs
9) Act of being focused on all parties in the negotiation
10) Inability for negotiators to draw on information they have to solve novel situations


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