
Match each item with a statement below:
a. job redesign
b. hygiene factors
c. Maslow's hierarchy of needs
d. motivators
e. process models
f. need-based theories
g. two-factor theory
h. equity perspective
i. belongingness
j. expectancy theory

1) Idea that satisfaction and motivation are achieved via recognition, the work itself, responsibility, and advancement
2) Assumes that people make rational calculations about how to expend effort on work and they make choices that will lead to desired rewards
3) Involves social processes, such as the need for love and affection and the need to be accepted by one's peers
4) Idea that people want to satisfy various needs that can be arranged in order of importance
5) Cause dissatisfaction and are related to the work environment
6) Includes achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility, and advancement
7) Have the view that the content of work is often not enough to motivate people; they need reinforcement, expectations, fairness, and goals to be energized to perform their best
8) Assume that motivation comes from the desire to satisfy necessities
9) Idea that altering certain aspects of the job to satisfy employees' psychological needs will motivate them to exert more effort
10) Assumes that people compare themselves to others and such comparisons affect their motivation


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