
Match each item with a statement below:
a. line managers
b. lateral relations
c. feedback approaches
d. standardization of output
e. programming approaches
f. hierarchy of authority
g. group coordination
h. integration
i. centralization
j. integrators and liaison roles

1) Most appropriately used if there is both high interdependence and high uncertainty
2) Specifies the form of intermediate outcomes of work as they are passed from one job to another
3) In the simplest of situations, acts as an adequate coordinating device to ensure that the work of different units meshes together
4) The degree to which decisions are made at the higher levels of the organization
5) Responsible for the coordination of program issues across the traditional professional specialty departments
6) Responsible for activities and decisions that directly contribute to the provision of goods and services
7) Most needed when the work is relatively uncertain
8) Best used when work is predictable and cause and effect relationships are well known
9) Coordination of activities among organizational units
10) The exchange of information among more than two people


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