
Match each item with a statement below:
a. physician-hospital organizations (PHOs)
b. competitive partner
c. indifferent partner
d. pooling alliances
e. quasi-cooperative partner
f. integrated salary models (ISMs)
g. medicare prospective payment system (PPS)
h. cooperative partner
i. U.S. Memories
j. trading alliances

1) Constitutes joint ventures designed to develop new services
2) Altered the financial incentives of hospitals by using fixed, per-case payments and leaving physician incentives untouched
3) Constitutes vertically integrated arrangements in which the hospital acquires the physician's practice
4) Perceives the gains of the alliance partner as implying a loss for them, even when really there is no such trade-off
5) Not particularly interested in the strategic aspirations of the other partner in the alliance relationship
6) Interested in maximizing the joint gains in the alliance relationship, and recognizes that such maximization requires attention to what you need to achieve in the alliance
7) Brings together organizations seeking to contribute different resources
8) Interested in making sure that you receive just enough value from the alliance so that you will not exit
9) Brings together organizations seeking to contribute similar resources
10) Conceived to provide a secure supply of chips for U.S. computer makers who were unhappy with the occasional shortages and price fluctuations


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