
Match each item with a statement below:
a. Sherman Act
b. Administrative Procedures Act
c. False Claims Act (FCA)
d. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
e. Stark Physician Self-Referral Law (Stark)
f. Prospective Payment System (PPS)
g. Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS)
h. Medicaid
i. Clayton Act
j. Food and Drug Administration

1) Prohibits knowingly submitting or causing to be submitted a false claim to the government
2) Combined federal and state program that provides medical assistance to low-income individuals and families
3) Determines the process of promulgating regulations
4) Principal federal government agency for health care
5) Fixed payment system for inpatient services based on a patient's specific diagnosis within Medicare system
6) Prohibits physicians from referring patients to certain health services providers with which the physicians have a financial relationship
7) Prohibits mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures that threaten to substantially lessen competition or are likely to create a monopoly
8) Exercises influence through regulatory efforts to ensure the safety and efficacy of drugs and medical devices
9) Prohibits contracts and other agreements that unreasonably restrain trade
10) Prohibits the knowing and willful solicitation or receipt of remuneration by any person in connection with items or services for which payment could be made by Medicare or Medicaid


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