
Match the exception to the Fourth Amendment warrant requirement listed in Column 1 to its description in Column 2.
A) an exception to the Fourth Amendment warrant requirement that allows police to search and seize items if they are lawfully in a location where they plainly see evidence of criminal activity
B) an exception to the Fourth Amendment warrant requirement that allows police to perform searches with the permission or consent of a person who has actual or apparent authority over the property being searched
C) an exception to the Fourth Amendment warrant requirement that allows officers to conduct warrantless searches where there is a need to apprehend a dangerous person or prevent an imminent and serious threat to the police or public
D) exception to the warrant requirement that allows police to search a vehicle without a warrant if they have probable cause to believe that the vehicle or part thereof contains evidence of criminality
E) during warrantless searches conducted pursuant to a lawful arrest, police are permitted to search the surrounding premises if authorities reasonably believe that accomplices may be present in the area and threaten the safety of the officers
F) an exception to the Miranda requirement that has allowed police, in at least one instance, to question a suspect in custody without supplying the requisite warnings when the questions were designed to address an imminent matter of public safety
G) an exception to the warrant requirement for searches and seizures that allows law enforcement officers to search and seize areas or items located in open and public view
H) allows officers performing stop and frisks to seize non-weapon forms of contraband (drugs, drug paraphernalia, etc.) that the officer reasonably detects as a part of a properly executed patdown
I) a form of the exigent circumstances exception to the warrant requirement that allows police to enter places without a warrant where they are pursuing a fleeing felon, where evidence may be destroyed or evaporated, where contaminated food or narcotics present immediate danger, and where an ongoing crisis poses a threat to public safety
J) a type of exigent circumstances situation that allows police to perform warrantless seizures of evidence that may be destroyed or evaporated

1. automobile exception
2. evanescent evidence exception
3. public safety exception
4. plain-feel exception
5. open fields doctrine
6. protective sweep
7. consent searches
8. exigent circumstances exception
9. hot-pursuit rule
10. plain view doctrine


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