
Match the following.
A) bottom trawling
B) surface zone
C) deep zone
D) pelagic zone
E) salt marsh
F) neritic zone
G) littoral zone
H) mangrove forest
I) pycnocline zone
J) pycnocline
K) drift netting
L) estuary
1.An ecosystem that lies along the shoreline between the farthest reach of the highest tides and the lowest reach of the lowest tide
2.Ocean zone where water is most dense
3.An ocean-land ecotone in tropical and subtropical latitudes that consists of tree-dominated communities on the gently sloping sandy and silty coastal areas
4.Area where a river flows into the ocean, mixing freshwater and saltwater
5.Ocean zone that contains approximately 18% of the ocean's water; where density sharply increases and temperature decreases
6.Fishing technique used for capturing groundfish


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