
Match the items below with the appropriate description.
a. HIV
b. vector
c. incubation period
d. systemic illness
e. autoimmune disorder
f. pandemic
g. meningitis
h. hepatitis
i. tuberculosis
j. Lyme disease
1) means of transmission for infectious illnesses
2) a pathologic condition that spreads throughout the body
3) occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally high proportion of the population
4) a type of retrovirus
5) the time between infection and appearance of first symptoms
6) disease caused by an attack on body tissue by an immune system that fails to recognize the tissue as self
7) attacks the membranes around the brain and spinal cord
8) an inflammation and/or infection of the liver caused by a virus
9) a disease caused by a bacterium carried by a tick
10) a highly infectious bacterial disease that primarily affects the lungs


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