
Match the term listed in Column 1 to its description in Column 2.
A) a means for attacking the constitutionality of the statute under which, or the proceedings in which, the original conviction was obtained
B) the body empowered by the Constitution to elect the president and vice-president of the United States
C) an agency whose head may be terminated by the president only for good cause
D) a theory that the Constitution vests all executive authority in the president of the United States
E) the right of a governor under most state constitutions to veto individual appropriations in an appropriation act rather than being compelled either to veto the act as a whole or to sign it into law
F) an agreement with a foreign government, made by the president acting within his or her executive powers
G) a model of executive authority that divides executive powers between multiple executive officers who act independently of one another
H) an act of grace by the chief executive of the government relieving a person of the legal consequences of a crime of which he or she has been convicted
I) exists when civilian government has been replaced with military government
J) a president's refusal to expend congressionally appropriated funds
K) an agency whose head serves at the pleasure of the president
1. executive agreement
2. martial law
3. pardon
4. line item veto
5. impoundment
6. Electoral College
7. executive agency
8. independent agency
9. plural executive
10. writ of habeas corpus
11. unitary executive


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