
Match the term listed in Column 1 to its description in Column 2.
A) a legal standard used to review restrictions on abortion for their constitutionality
B) a phrase frequently offered by the Court as the standard for assessing whether a particular human activity will be included as a "liberty interest" under the Due Process Clause
C) constitutional balancing test that requires the government to show that its infringement upon a fundamental right is necessary (or narrowly tailored) to serve a compelling governmental interest
D) a constitutional right of the highest order and one to which utmost constitutional protection is applied, including strict scrutiny protection
E) a provision in Article I, Section 10, of the Constitution that provides that states cannot impair the obligations of contracts
F) an approach to interpreting the Constitution that strictly construes the explicit words of the Constitution to determine whether a particular right is protected
G) a legal document in which a person provides instructions for medical treatment (or the lack thereof) in cases where the person becomes incapacitated

9) contract clause
10) fundamental right
11) strict constructionist
12) implicit in the concept of ordered liberty
13) living will
14) undue burden
15) strict scrutiny test


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