
Match the term listed in Column 1 to its description in Column 2.
A) Under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, those rights in the federal Bill of Rights that are fundamental and necessary to an ordered liberty are applied against the states. Other incorporation theories exist.
B) Judicial doctrine providing that even if federal power to regulate interstate and international commerce is not exercised, state power to regulate these areas is sometimes precluded
C) The doctrine that once Congress has enacted legislation in a given field, a state may not enact a law inconsistent with the federal statute
D) Clause in the Constitution that means that a state's judicial acts must be given the same effect by the courts of all other states as they receive at home
E) A doctrine under which a state court is permitted to acquire personal jurisdiction over a nonresident
F) An approach to constitutional interpretation that requires state judges to apply their state's constitution before turning to the federal Constitution
G) Federal judicial review of a state decision in a case that includes both state and federal claims will not occur if the lower court's decision rested upon adequate and independent state law
H) An approach to constitutional interpretation that requires state judges to apply both federal and state constitutions simultaneously
I) An approach to constitutional interpretation that requires state judges to apply the federal Constitution before turning to their state's constitution
J) Provides that if a subject of interstate commerce is national in character, then regulation of that subject is exclusively federal
1. Full Faith and Credit Clause
2. Preemption
3. Primacy
4. Interstitial
5. Selective Incorporation Doctrine
6. Dual Sovereignty
7. Dormant Commerce Clause
8. Cooley Doctrine
9. Minimum Contacts Test
10. Adequate and Independent State Grounds Doctrine


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