
Match the term listed in Column 1 to its description in Column 2.
A) expression that is directly aimed at insulting, derogating, or intimidating a particular class of individuals, often based on race, sex, religion, or ethnicity
B) a legal standard requiring the government to prove that its policy is necessary (or narrowly tailored) to promote a compelling governmental interest
C) a constitutional theory of due process that maintains that the government cannot impose legal standards that the average person cannot or is not likely to understand
D) a standard used to judge whether a material is obscene
E) a constitutional theory of due process that generally provides that the government cannot regulate or prohibit more speech than is necessary to address the identified harm
F) the government, in attempting to regulate speech, is not discriminating against speech based on its content or subject matter
G) properties historically associated with the exercise of First Amendment rights, including public sidewalks, parks, and cartilages outside courthouses and statehouses
H) a category of unprotected speech that "by their very utterance inflict injury or tend
to incite an immediate breach of the peace"
1. Miller Test
2. hate speech
3. strict scrutiny test
4. public forums
5. content neutrality
6. vagueness doctrine
7. overbreadth doctrine
8. fighting words


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