
Match the term listed in Column 1 to its description in Column 2.
A) a view of the religion clauses that generally asserts that government should remain strictly separate or removed from religious activity
B) clause in the First Amendment that addresses the extent to which government can interfere with an individual's religious practices
C) individuals seeking to avoid war-time military service based on religious or other conscience-based objections
D) a legal standard developed by the Court in 1971 to evaluate Establishment Clause cases that requires the challenged government action to meet three guidelines:
(1) it must have a secular (nonreligious) purpose,
(2) its primary effect must neither advance nor inhibit religion, and
(3) it must not foster an excessive entanglement with religion and government
E) a law passed by Congress in 1993 that sought to reinstate the strict scrutiny standard for free exercise cases
F) clause in the First Amendment that generally regulates the extent to which government can participate in, assist, or otherwise further religious activity or organizations
G) a constitutional litmus test that weighs the government's interest in advancing a particular policy against the free exercise interests of the individual. In order for the government's interest to outweigh the individual's, the government must prove that its interest is necessary to promote a compelling governmental interest
H) a legal standard used to evaluate Establishment Clause cases that essentially asks whether the government is acting in a manner that may have a coercive effect on individuals to support or participate in a particular religion
I) a legal standard used to assess Establishment Clause issues where the court asks the more general question of whether the government's activity conveys a message of endorsement or disapproval of religion
J) an interpretation of the religion clauses that maintains that it is appropriate for government to accommodate or otherwise assist religious interests or organizations
1. Religious Freedom Restoration Act
2. compelling governmental interest test
3. coercion test
4. endorsement test
5. Lemon test
6. Free Exercise Clause
7. Establishment Clause
8. accommodationist approach
9. separationist approach
10. conscientious objectors


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