
1) social realism ___
2) Some Like It Hot ___
3) Dalton Trumbo ___
4) Singin" in the Rain ___
5) Alfred Hitchcock ___
6) The Band Wagon ___
7) The Moon Is Blue ___
8) Bwana Devil ___
9) High Noon ___
10) Marty ___

a. starred that muscular dancer, Gene Kelly
b. early 3D movie
c. filmmakers assume reformist perspective on story
d. revisionist western
e. made the Production Code blue
f. made for television movie won Oscars
g. director who relied heavily on storyboarding
h. Marilyn Monroe stars, Billy Wilder directs
i. writer blacklisted as a result of refusing HUAC
j. musical spoof on "hard boiled" fiction


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