
Maurice contracted with Suzanne to feed and walk her Corgi mix dog, Baby, for $100 while Suzanne was on vacation for one week. One day before Suzanne was to leave, Maurice came over and said that Baby would be a significant amount of trouble and that he would have to receive $150 in order to walk and feed Baby. Suzanne reluctantly agreed. When she returned from vacation, she handed Maurice $100 and refused to pay more. Maurice threatens to take her to small claims court. What would be the likely result?

A. Maurice will lose based on economic duress.

B. Maurice will lose based on undue influence.

C. Maurice will lose based on fraud.

D. Suzanne will lose because she breached the amended contract with Maurice.

E. Suzanne will lose because she breached the amended contract with Maurice unless she can establish that the prevailing rate for walking and feeding a dog for one week is no more than $100.


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