
1) 1925
2) Mid-1860s
3) 1998
4) Richard Jewell
5) 1966
6) 1896
7) 1902
8) Edwin H.Armstrong
9) 947
10) 1969
11) Lee De Forest
12) 1920
A. Child Online Protection Act
B. Maxwell theorized existence of radio waves
C. Amos "n" Andy started on Chicago radio
D. Developed the Audion, or triode, vacuum tube
E. Adolph Ochs bought the New YorkTimes
F. The Life of an AmericanFireman
G. Frank Conrad's station became KDKA
H. Developed FM radio
I. Sued the Atlanta Journal-Constitution
J. ABC, CBS, NBC broadcast evening lineups in color
K. Hollywood Ten
L. Saturday Evening Postfolded


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