
___ 1. Middle Passage

___ 2. Gullah

___ 3. Evangelists

___ 4. Maroons

___ 5. deference

___ 6. Proclamation of 1763

___ 7. asiento

___ 8. Republicanism

___ 9. Deism

___ 10. Old Lights

___ 11. Stono Rebellion

___ 12. Comanche

a. ran away as slaves and waged warfare against British authorities in Jamaica

b. traveled to preach religious revivalism

c. was a language that mixed various African roots

d. prohibited colonial settlement west of the Appalachians

e. was the ship voyage for slaves from Africa to the New World

f. was an agreement subcontracting to a foreign power the right to provide slaves to Spanish America

g. as religious traditionalists, did not support revivalism

h. was the assumption among ordinary people that wealth, education, and social prominence carried a right to public office

i. was a belief that God essentially withdrew after creating the world, leaving it to function according to scientific laws

j. celebrated virtuous elite giving themselves to public service

k. was one of the nomadic tribes that controlled much of the land claimed by Spain

l. was an incident that involved conflict between slaves and whites in South Carolina and led to new legislation


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