
Multiplication. Phyllis, who is 30 years old, works for We Add for You Accounting. Phyllis has worked there for a number of years and is considering quitting in order to spend more time with her three active triplets, Sunny, Fussy, and Perky. She asks her boss, Bolivar, about the pension plan at We Add for You. Her boss tells her that she has no entitlement to information until she is at least 60 years old. Phyllis also asks about retaining her medical insurance protection if she quits and is told that she would have no right to do so. Bolivar also throws in that he has been monitoring her conversations and that he particularly enjoys the conversations between her and her single female friends involving failed dating experiences. He asks her to keep those up. Phyllis tells him that her personal phone calls are none of his business. Bolivar says that he can listen if he wants because the phones are his. Phyllis ends up starting her own company called We Multiply for You, and makes much, much more money. (In answering the following questions, assume all federal laws apply and that any pension and medical plan qualifies for regulation under federal law.) Which of the following is true regarding Bolivar's listening to the personal phone calls of Phyllis?

A. Bolivar can listen to the phone calls as long as he wants so long as he is Phyllis' supervisor.

B. Bolivar can listen to the phone calls as long as he wants only if he is a sole proprietor and truly owns the phones himself.

C. Bolivar can listen to the phone calls as long as he wants only if he has a policy prohibiting the making of personal calls.

D. Bolivar can listen to the phone calls as long as he wants only if he notifies employees first that he is going to do so.

E. Bolivar is prohibited from listening to the phone calls as long as he wants, and only limited exceptions exist for the monitoring of calls.


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