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Mutually understanding an issue, the teacher and supervisor checks in for accuracy of their observations and clarifies each of their perceptions. The supervisor summarizes the teachers' statements. Which of the following did the supervisor demonstrate in this summary?a. Negotiating
b. Directing
c. Standardizing
d. Reflecting
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Related questions
Somatic learning includes kinesthetic learning and the role of emotions in learning. Which of the following theorist developed the study of somatic learning?
a. Merriam
b. Clark
c. Caffarella
d. Baumgartner
Marsick and Watkins (1990, 2001) examined learning in the workplace, other than a structured system that is prescribed by the company. Which of the following applies to this research?
a. Systematic framework
b. Examination of workplace etiquette
c. Self-directed learning
d. Incidental learning
Effective professional development includes
a. the use job embedded strategies
b. the involvement of teachers in the planning, delivering, and assessment of activities
c. being trained by the professional speakers
d. all of these
A leader improves knowledge and skills to improve instruction through the use of
a. collaboration
b. vision-making
c. shared leadership
d. collegiality
Researchers on school reform and student learning promote that improvement in education. Which is critical to reform?
a. Legislating higher standards and consequences for non-performing schools
b. Diminishing the ability of internal stakeholders for decision-making
c. Promoting extrinsic rewards for schools
d. Supervising instruction and engagement of internal stakeholders
Conservatism has the aspects that encourage the status quo in schools today. Which of the following aspects are considered conservatism?
a. Restricted teacher-centered instructional methods
b. Shared technical culture
c. Short range goals
d. Research and experience
School-wide curriculum and instructional decisions would be improved if teachers
a. were involved in decisions about curriculum
b. followed the mandated curriculum
c. were mature, competent to deal with all learners
d. were expected to fulfill certification requirements
Conventional schools must examine inequity critically through
a. analysis of at risk situations within the school environment.
b. Review of the performance for all students, including racial and the ethnic minority students
c. Investigation the curriculum design of curriculum, instructional materials, and strategies
d. All of the above
Chang's (2009) research discussed the psychological dilemma experienced by teachers in the following manner:
a. Elementary teacher meets with 25-30 students for six and one-half hours.
b. Secondary teacher meets with 100 to 150 students for five to seven 50-minute periods.
c. Teachers have the responsibility to bring their children to a certain academic level.
d. All of the above
Research has indicated that isolation and individualism has been observed through the work environment. Which of the following describes this research?
a. Open classrooms represented areas in which teachers could view individual methods of teaching.
b. Teachers work in spatial isolation where they work in different places at the same time; however, they do not observe each other.
c. When a teacher is almost exclusively with children, they are psychologically alone.
d. Teachers share methods in their classroom with others during their planning times.
Which are the following teacher roles are characteristics of the One-Room Schoolhouse?
a. Teachers were responsible for the total instruction of all students.
b. Teachers maintained the classroom and the building.
c. Principals were in charge of the curriculum.
d. All of the above.
Moral purpose, as the foundation for supervision, requires the following premise that
a. all stakeholders in schools are equal.
b. schools promote a democratic approach for all.
c. values, mission, and goals are stated according to standards.
d. all of the above
Which of the following leader's prerequisites reflect the scope of his/her supervisory role that leads to improved student learning?
a. Observing, planning, and assessing instructional improvement
b. Positive and change-oriented relationships
c. Knowledge in adult and teacher development
d. All of above
Knowledge, interpersonal skills and technical skills are all pre-requisites for
a. developmental aspects for supervisor.
b. teacher goals.
c. community goals.
d. student goals.
What are some examples of cultural differences that may cause clashes? Which of the following illustrate these examples?
a. Understanding the differences in communication between dominant and minority cultures
b. Communication styles are inferior and withdraw from classroom interactions
c. European Americans tend to favor episodic narratives rather than linear approach.
d. Some minority cultures prefer topic centered and linear narratives.
Rothstein (2004) discuss how classism and racism have negative effects on the quality of life. Which of the following supported this premise?
a. Inadequate wages
b. Substandard housing
c. Poor healthcare
d. Few educational opportunities to for poor and racial/ethnic minority students
Evans (1996) discusses ways that teachers will understand that change is feasible and that the teachers will be committed to this process. What are some of the elements were used?
a. Teachers believe that they can achieve and implement the change.
b. Teachers understand that this change if appropriate to students.
c. Teachers will know that the theory and research are present.
d. All of these
A broad set of principles that direct the change process may be informed as a result of
a. collaborative efforts between stakeholders in the community.
b. data gathering from external and internal research.
c. consideration of the need to reduce achievement gap between different groups.
d. All of these
Steigelbauer and Boyd (1992) state that building capacity occurs when
a. Teacher engages in reflective inquiry.
b. Dialogue is held on the interactive effects of change and culture.
c. Supervisors present the problem areas.
d. All of these
Which of the following represents key concepts in the Education Change Theory?
a. Capacity-Commitment
b. Leadership-Evolutionary Planning
c. Problem Solving-Support
d. Coherence " Continuous Improvement
Which of the following is included in postmodernism?
a. Antireductionism
b. Antiessentialism
c. Antirealism
d. All of the above
Atkinson (2002) summarizes the characteristics of postmodernism in the following ways:
a. Irreverence for traditions of philosophy and morality
b. Acceptance of complexity
c. Acknowledgement of subjectivity
d. Rejection of fixed notions of reality
Strange attractors are
a. Random patterns that are simple
b. Complex and unpredictable patterns
c. Permanent patterns leading to school improvement
d. All of above
Fractal is a geometric shape that similar to itself at different scales. What are some examples of fractal?
a. coastlines
b. mountains
c. clouds
d. rivers
How would you describe chaotic system?
a. It is a linear system, which has simple cause-effect relationships.
b. It is analogous to a line of dominoes.
c. Nonlinear system is analogous to bowling.
d. All of above
Change experts suggest the way to improve the school's approach to meeting the needs of today's students and society in the following ways:
a. Consider alternative theories
b. Analyze the past issues that didn"t work
c. Go beyond the rational-structural approach
d. All of the above
Coherence is building change initiatives that limit overload and fragmentation. Bain (2007) proposed which of the following strategies to build coherence?
a. School " level schema is depicted through the innovation of cooperative learning techniques
b. Embedded design applies to the principle of solving a problem through the establishment of solutions to only grade level issues.
c. Similarity of scale uses principles of cooperative learning that applies to innovation at each level
d. All of these
Supervisors provide a focus and structure for teachers to engage in inquiry methods to improve instruction. In what areas should supervisors assist teachers in action research?
a. Understanding data
b. Establish a set of ethical guidelines in the research process
c. Provide resources
d. Provide opportunities to share action research within the school community
Praxis is
a. an interactive cycle of practice and theory.
b. used in implementation phase of the action research.
c. the end of point of research.
d. the form of ongoing cycle of action and reflection.
Critical action research has the following emphasis?
a. Examines power relations that lead to inequity
b. Analyzes ways to overcome negative effects
c. Aim to free groups and individuals from inequitable treatment
d. All of these