
As recently as twenty years ago circuses came to town with tents, animals, clowns, and other performers. An advance man arrived about two weeks before the circus actually arrived, covered the community with posters, and gave out free tickets to schoolchildren. If the advance man had done a good job, when the circus arrived and opened its tent doors, three hundred to six hundred people would fill its seats. When the largest circus organizations merged, the newly formed Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey's Greatest Show on Earth began performing in 4,000-seat arenas.
Attendance, however, has stagnated in recent years. People have stopped going to the circus because they miss the circus tent and the close intimate atmosphere it created. The newest thing in circuses is a return to the tent atmosphere with an emphasis on the types of entertainment that were popular years ago. Antique circus wagons, calliope music, and cotton candy are replacing the exotic animals and the prima donna performers. To satisfy the needs of this new audience, the tent circus now sells lattes and wine.
Refer to Circuses. One of the tent venues is called Barnum's Kaleidoscope, and it is in a permanent location with the hopes that people who see the show will want to return and see it again as well as bring their friends and relatives to the production. Which of the following techniques would most likely advance this strategy of referrals and repeat business?
a. relationship marketing
b. empowerment
c. a sales orientation
d. authority to delegate
e. transactional marketing


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