
Nicole asked her neighbor to rake the leaves on his lawn because they were blowing into her yard. It takes an hour to rake the yard, regardless of who performs the task. He responded that it wouldnt be rational for him to do so, but he would be willing to hire someone else to rake. Why would this be the case?

a. Her neighbor lacks the equipment to rake leaves and thinks it would take too long to do the job.

b. Her neighbor is a busy person and doesnt have time to rake leaves.

c. Her neighbor is getting revenge on her because Nicole didnt rake the leaves on her lawn last year.

d. Her neighbor is a lawyer who values his time at $200 an hour and knows that he can hire a high school kid to rake leaves for $20 an hour.

e. Her neighbor is a high school teacher and values his time at $15 an hour, and he knows that he can hire one of his students to rake leaves for $20 an hour.


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