
Of the following errors, which one will cause the trial balance to be out of balance?
A. A $200 cash salary payment posted as a $200 debit to Cash and a $200 credit to Salaries Expense.
B. A $100 cash receipt from a customer in payment of his account posted as a $100 debit to Cash and a $10 credit to Accounts Receivable.
C. A $75 cash receipt from a customer in payment of his account posted as a $75 debit to Cash and a $75 credit to Cash.
D. A $50 cash purchase of office supplies posted as a $50 debit to Office Equipment and a $50 credit to Cash.
E. An $800 prepayment from a customer for services to be rendered in the future was posted as an $800 debit to Unearned Revenue and an $800 credit to Cash.


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