Question, an organization working toward curbing climate change, recently conducted an interview with Jessica for the position of a public relations officer. However, interviewers Brenda and Laura are divided over whether Jessica should be given the job. Brenda believes that Jessica does not have in-depth knowledge about the issue of global warming and its impact. On the other hand, Laura feels that Jessica would be perfect for the job because she has strong interpersonal skills. Which of the following, if true, would weaken Laura's argument?

A) Jessica was unable to fare well in the written test which analyzed her conceptual skills.

B) Jessica listened intently to the interviewers' questions before answering them.

C) Jessica was unable to communicate clearly why she was right for the job.

D) Jessica was very friendly and courteous with the receptionist while greeting her.

E) Jessica was high on confidence about getting the job because of her strong networking skills.


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