
Outline methods or techniques for time management.

The organizing process to help make the most efficient use of the day is known as time management. There are a collection of techniques for time management, which can help meet the challenges of schedule overload. Consider these basic methods:
ListWhether you use a pad of paper, a specialized form like a Franklin Planner, a PDA, or Microsoft Outlook's Task function, the key to staying on top of your responsibilities is to list them as soon as you get them. Then as you finish them, you can enjoy crossing them off the list.
123 PrioritizeAs you look at your list, prioritize your tasks based on their importance to your business and their due date. The most important tasks due soonest get a priority of 1. Tasks with lesser importance or a longer time to completion get ranked 2, and your "back burner" concerns get ranked 3. If there are tasks (of any level) that can be lumped together, so much the better. How do you decide importance? If the task will not help your business or family, it is probably not a priority 1 task.


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