
(p.437)Call in Europe, a new international phone company, threw a party at a New York nightclub. It drew 70 reporters from outlets like Financial Times, the New York Times, ABC News and PC magazine. The company hoped to garner press for its 39-cent-per-minute rate for calls from France to the U.S. So it plied its guests with drinks and hors d'oeuvre. Each reporter was handed a Motorola MotoFone and SIM card. What did it get for the $50,000 it paid for this shindig? Not a single column inch of copy. And fewer than 10 percent of the reporters activated the free cell-phone service by the January 31 deadline. The reporters even though did not respond as hoped are still one of the phone company's:
B.image resources.
C.customer sources. base.
E.cause marketers.


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