
Presidential Profits. Linda was president of a publicly traded tractor company, Tough Tractors. Linda became aware that stock in her company would likely increase significantly in value because her company had a contract to purchase the assets of Rough Tractors. The boards of both companies wanted the information kept confidential until the purchase was complete and a news release was made. Before the news was made public, Linda immediately purchased a significant number of shares in Tough Tractors. Linda also told her friend Frank about the contract to purchase assets. Frank, who knew that the information was not public, told his brother, George. Frank and George purchased a number of shares of stock in Tough Tractors prior to any public announcement of the sale. After the public announce was made and the purchase of assets went through, Linda, George and Frank, all sold their shares in Tough Tractors and made a nice profit. For which of the following is Linda liable?

A. Her own profits only.

B. Her profits and those of Frank only.

C. Her profits, the profits of Frank, and also the profits of George.

D. Her profits only plus a 10% penalty.

E. Nothing because she did nothing illegal.


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