
PRICE SURVEY MINI CASE: Capital Clothing wants to get a better understanding of consumers' perceptions of the price and quality of its sweaters. After reviewing data from Yankelovich on consumer lifestyles and consumption patterns, Capital Clothing identified specific consumer characteristics of its target market, which helped it develop a screening questionnaire. The screening questionnaire was used to select participants for its price/quality survey. The following is the survey administered by Capital Clothing to evaluate customer perceptions of the price and quality of its sweaters.
1. Rank to following clothing companies in terms of the quality of their sweaters.
Capital Clothing Executive Suit Sweater Hut A-List

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? (Check one)
Sweaters from Capital Style provide good value for price.
Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree

3. Please check the point on the following continuum that best expresses your impression
of the price of Capital Style Sweaters.


4. How likely are you to purchase a Capital Style sweater in the next six months?
Definitely will purchase Probably will purchase Might or might not purchase Probably will not purchase Definitely will not purchase

In the PRICE SURVEY MINI CASE, the screening questionnaire is developed based on ________ from Yankelovich.
A) internal secondary data
B) quantitative primary data
C) external secondary data
D) qualitative primary data
E) qualified primary data


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