
(p.46)Safeway, a UK supermarket chain, was reprimanded by a government agency in the United Kingdom because it distributed a leaflet titled "More reasons NOT to shop at Morrisons". (Morrisons is one of Safeways primary competitors in the UK). In the leaflet, Safeway depicted two shopping receipts, one for Safeway and one for Morrisons. The Safeway receipt claimed goods purchased at Safeway were much cheaper than the same goods purchased at Morrisons. Morrsions said that the goods on the imaginary receipt were not typical purchases and that the reason they were cheaper on the Safeway receipt was because the goods were on sale in the Safeway store. The FTC would have said that Safeway was guilty of: ethical lapse.
B.unethical advertising.
C.deceptive advertising. ethical dilemma.
E.non-competitive advertising.


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