
(p.125)The availability of information bias operates with which of the following statements?
A.When negotiators sometimes maintain commitment to a course of action even when that commitment constitutes irrational behavior on their part.
B.When thorough preparation, along with the use of a devil's advocate or reality check, can help prevent errors.
C.When information that is presented in vivid, colorful, or attention-getting ways becomes easy to recall, and thus also becomes central and critical in evaluating events and options.
D.When the tendency of negotiators to believe that their ability to be correct or accurate is greater than is actually true.
E.When the tendency will often lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy, as follows: People who expect to be treated in a distributive manner will (1) be more likely to perceive the other party's behavior as distributive, and (2) treat the other party in a more distributive manner.


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