
Read carefully. Twice as much as one million trillion is two million trillion. One thousand times as much is 1000 million trillion. One million times as much is 1,000,000 million trillion, which is the same as one trillion trillion. Thus, one trillion trillion is a million times greater than a million trillion. Got that? So how many more water molecules than impurity molecules are there in a glass of water that is 99.9999 percent pure?
A) 1000 (one thousand: 1 x ) more water molecules than impurities molecules
B) 1,000,000 (one million: 1 x) more water molecules than impurities molecules
C) 1,000,000,000 (one billion: 1 x ) more water molecules than impurities molecules
D) 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 (one million trillion: 1 x ) more water molecules than impurities molecules


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