
Read the following scenario and answer the questions below.
Burning fossil fuels and their derivatives produces, among other things, harmful pollutants such as particulates, acid rain-producing sulphur and nitrogen oxides, and carbon oxides. These air pollutants threaten ecosystems all over the world, and high carbon dioxide levels contribute to global warming. Furthermore, fossils fuels have a limited supply. The market price of fossil fuels, especially crude oil, has continued to rise in recent years. Despite this, Canadians continue to consume fossil fuels at alarming rates. We rely on fossil fuels for most of our energy needs. At various times, the federal government has considered mandating higher fuel efficiency standards for Canadian vehicles as a possible solution to this environmental energy crisis. Most auto manufacturers, however, are opposed to the imposition of standards.
Which of the following have contributed to the rapid increase in crude oil prices over the past decade?
A) decrease in demand for oil
B) increase in demand for oil
C) increase in supply of oil
D) increased availability of alternative fuels
E) higher gas taxes


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