
Rodrigo operates a dry-cleaning service and charges customers $5 per article of clothing. Based on his knowledge of operations, the 1,000 th piece of clothing costs him $4.95 to dry-clean. If he takes additional business, however, the 1,001st piece will cost $5 for the service. Does he take the additional business?

a. No, he has hidden costs that far exceed his estimate of $5, so he loses money.

b. No, taking on additional business doesnt earn him any money.

c. Yes, if he turns away business, his service will be forced to close.

d. Maybe. If a competitor is accepting that many customers, he must at least equal that amount.

e. Yes. At a $5 cost, he breaks even and is indifferent. He necessarily turns away business when the cost of the additional unit exceeds the income.


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