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Sarah has recently been robbed and is leery of leaving her apartment if unnecessary. According Laytons forgiveness process, Sarah is in the midst of which of the following steps?
a. Injured innocence
b. Obsession
c. Fear
d. Transformation
e. Transcendence
This answer is hidden. It contains 1 characters.
Related questions
Which of the following are NOT necessary for an effective apology?
a. Acknowledgement of responsibility.
b. Awareness of harm resulting from ones actions.
c. Promises not to engage in the offensive behavior again.
d. Expression of regret or remorse.
e. An expression of wrong-doing.
The question, Am I willing to consider forgiveness as an option? is most closely related to which of the following stages of forgiveness?
a. Uncovering
b. Work
c. Decision
d. Outcome
e. All of the above
According to the list of stages in the forgiveness process, what is the chronology of the following statements, (1) "Why hasn't something like what happened to me happened to her," (2) "How would life be different if I forgave him," (3) "I can't believe this happened to me," and (4) "I made it through this experience and no longer harbor resentment?"
a. 1, 2, 3, 4
b. 4, 3, 1, 2
c. 3, 2, 1, 4
d. 3, 1, 2, 4
e. None of the above
A cultural form of dispute management involves parties working on their conflicts in front of others can be found in:
a. Hawaii.
b. Malaysia.
c. Native American traditions.
d. The culture of the Kalahari Bushman.
e. All of the above
EXAM QUESTIONS:Chapter 9TRUE-FALSET F 1. According to the text, informal mediation isn't really effective; conflicting parties should always hire a trained professional.T F 2. Mediation, by definition, allows the participants to manage their own conflicts, and ultimately, their outcomes.T F 3. A Guardian ad litem serves as a child advocate in the adjudication system.T F 4. When conflicting parties arbitrate, they consider the advice of the arbitrator, but they can still choose what they want to do.T F 5. Adjudication is the most competitive method of 3rd-party intervention.T F 6. According to the text, taking a side in mediation is okay, as long as the third party is still working to help both people.T F 7. One risk of informal intervention is becoming the enemy.T F 8. Being a coach requires the same skills as being a good friend to a person in conflict.T F 9. When power between two parties is highly imbalanced, adjudication is likely to be the best form of third-party intervention.T F 10. Mediators control the process of communication, not the outcomes of the mediation.
Negotiation that is transformational is defined as
a. cooperating fully with the other.
b. creating something new from what existed before.
c. Using your intuition to help reframe the conflict.
d. cooperative competitiveness.
e. The exchange of rational self-interest.
Why is expanding the pie an effective way of negotiating collaboratively?
a. It threatens both parties into giving up their piece of the pie
b. Someone is always hungrier.
c. It attempts to expand scarce resources available, altering the conflict structure
d. People become more entrenched in their positions.
e. The playing field is leveled.
Which of the following is a disadvantage of collaborative bargaining?
a. The bias toward cooperation may result in internal pressure to compromise when you dont really want to.
b. It can avoid confrontation.
c. There is an increased vulnerability to deception and manipulation by a competitive opponent.
d. It requires substantial process knowledge and skill to be effective.
e. All are potential disadvantages of collaborative bargaining.
7. Using the elements from either question #4 or #5, analyze the following conversation:Sample ConversationDan: That was a blast!Sarah: (stony silence)Dan: (raising his voice) I SAID that was a great party!Sarah: I BET you had a good time. Im sure the 17 women you danced with had a great time, too.Dan: Oh, I get it. Youre pouting. Is that itYoure pouting, arent you? Well, at least youre consistent, since thats what you were doing all night anyway.Sarah: I had to do SOMETHING with while youre making a complete ass of yourself!Dan: Look whos talking. Youre such a loser at parties, no wonder no one wants to dance with you.Sarah: Im not a loser. Ive told you a thousand times that parties like that arent for people like me, but you never listen. I dont like parties because you drink too much, and I cant stand your friends either. When youre with them, you make me totally miserable.Dan: At least I have some friends. Youd have some, too, if you didnt hang around Christine all the time. Youre always on my case about how I screw everything up around the house. You think Im an idiot.Sarah: How could you screw things up at the houseYoure never home! Youve been saying for 6 months that youre going to clean out the garage, but you never do. Its either fantasy baseball all summer or hunting every weekend in the fall.Dan: You know why I hunt all the time? Because the animals are more fun than you are. And they dont go looking for fights for no good reason.Sarah: This isnt a fight. Its a discussion. And I hardly went looking for it.Dan: Yeah, good one. And I bet you didnt pick out that $500 worth of clothes youve been hiding in the closet for the last week either?Sarah: Whatever. Lets just drop it. Youre drunk. I should know better than to deal with you when youre like this.Dan: Now you want to drop it. Youve been at me since we got in the car. You brought it uplets talk about it. How, exactly, do you think were going to pay for your little shopping spree. We havent paid for the last one yet. Obviously, Im not going to get any help from you, since youre the struggling student with no job.Sarah: How did you know about those clothes anyway? Besides, I was going to take them back on Monday.Dan: Christine told me.Sarah: WHAT!?!?!? You are such a jerk. And shes a real piece of work, that one, too. Shes the one who said I should buy them in the first place.Dan: Maybe she just finds me a little more interesting than you. She probably felt sorry for you.Sarah: Thats it. Im done. Im so over this. Im getting my own apartment.
According to the Difficult Conversations Guide, which of the following is most important?
a. identifying who is being difficult
b. learning to deal with difficult people
c. utilizing neutral third parties
d. asking yourself what happened?
e. isolating triggers
__________ are more likely than __________ to cover up anger.
a. Men/women
b. Women/men
c. Parents/children
d. Employers/employees
e. Teachers/students
Which emotion has been termed the moral emotion?
a. Anger
b. Sadness
c. Fear
d. Revenge
e. Contempt
Rashid is responsible for taking care of his younger brother one afternoon a week, but he does not like to come across the authority figure with his brother. Instead, he would prefer to be viewed as fun- loving. When his brother begins to jump on the couch for the fourth time one afternoon, Rashid tells him (again!) to quit or the little brother wont be able to go to his favorite restaurant tomorrow for their uncles birthday. Which of the following best describes the credibility of Rashids threat?
a. It is not credible because Rashid appears unwilling to invoke the punishment.
b. It is not credible because Rashid does not control the outcome of the sanction.
c. It is credible because the punishment is not something to be avoided.
d. It is credible because Rashid seems willing to carry out the punishment.
e. It is not credible because it is not a negative sanction.
Nicole and Ryan disagree over where they should spend their holidays. Lately, each time Nicole tries to discuss the issue with Ryan, Ryan responds with a joke or changes the subject. Ryan is using which style of conflict, identified by Rahim in your text?
a. obliging
b. dominating
c. avoidance
d. compromise
e. integration
Jake is always careful to arrive on time for work. He knows that his boss will dock his pay for any missed hours. Jakes boss what kind of power over him?
a. Interpersonal linkages
b. Resource control
c. Expertise
d. Communication skills
e. Responsibility
Hocker and Wilmot summarize several advantages of clarifying your goals in a conflict. Which of the following is NOT an advantage identified?
a. Clear goals are reached more often than unclear ones.
b. Clear goals can be altered more easily than vague ones.
c. Only clear goals can be shared.
d. Solutions go unrecognized if you dont know what you want.
e. Knowing the others goals helps you manipulate the situation to get what you want.
Which of the following metaphors would your authors consider transformative?
a. Conflict is a balancing act
b. Conflict is a trial
c. Conflict is war
d. Conflict is a dance
e. Conflict is a struggle
According to the text, all of the following are neutral metaphors about conflict except:
a. Conflict is a game
b. Conflict is a heroic adventure
c. Conflict is a balancing act
d. Conflict is a mess
e. All of these are neutral metaphors about conflict.
Adam was taking a public speaking class and was angry with his instructor. All of his friends were getting good grades except him, and they all told him that he made the best presentations. The instructor's evaluations of his presentations all stated that they were amusing, but were also provided an inadequate explanation of the topic. Adam asked his instructor why all his friends (all his friends in the class happen to be females) were getting good grades and he was not. Adam thought he was learning to be a better speaker and that the instructor was biased towards the females, being one herself. However, Adam did not realize that there were other males in the class getting good grades. This conflict escalated because of
a. incompatible goals.
b. scarce resources.
c. the perception of interference.
d. the expressed struggle.
e. none of the above.
When Lisa says to her husband, Youd make a lousy father, she is communicating which type of hurtful message?
a. accusation
b. advice
c. evaluation
d. threat
e. desire
Which of the following contexts would be appropriate for mediation?
a. Marital disputes
b. Workplace disputes
c. Teacher/student disagreements
d. Conflict amongst members of a Homeowners Association
e. Any of the above may be appropriate contexts for mediation.
All of the following are limitations to mediation EXCEPT:
a. Some people are not willing to work collaboratively with their enemy.
b. It requires the parties to be involved in their own decision making process.
c. Parties have to be committed to working on the conflict.
d. If physical abuse has been present in the relationship, it may be difficult to deal with the power imbalance.
e. Small disputes are not worth the effort.
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of mediation?
a. Mediation allows the conflicting parties to disagree on the settlement.
b. Mediation reduces the cost of protracted disputes.
c. Mediation increases satisfaction with the outcomes of the dispute.
d. Mediation enhances relationships among people.
e. Mediation reduces the recurrence of conflict.
Your down-coat company is having an unusually large amount of business due to an extremely cold winter. Your boss expects you to keep up with your work, but won't allow overtime, due to cost-cutting throughout the company. You suggest that they hire another person, although you realize the large volume of business is temporary. When you discuss this with your boss, you both decide that your boss can help you temporarily, thus finding an inexpensive solution to your problem. This is an example of which communication pattern?
a. logrolling
b. cost cutting
c. bridging
d. compromising
e. competing
Which of the following is NOT true of competitive bargainers?
a. They will make high opening demands and concede slowly.
b. They will recognize and enhance interdependence.
c. They will exaggerate the value of concessions that are offered.
d. They will try to resist persuasion on issues.
e. Competitive bargainers will do all of the above.
Which of the following statements is NOT true of competitive power?
a. Competitive power can be useful.
b. Competition can lead to collaboration.
c. All forms of power are always in a state of change.
d. Competitive power is appropriate when protecting children.
e. People with sufficient power currencies should never use them competitively.
Which of the following is NOT an example of denying the use of power?
a. Deny that you communicated anything.
b. Deny that remember what was communicated.
c. Deny that the other person communicated anything.
d. Deny that you meant what you said.
e. Deny the situation in which it was communicated.
EXAM QUESTIONS:Chapter 4TRUE-FALSET F 1. According to your text, sometimes it is more appropriate to settle disputes onthe basis of rights, rather than power or interests.T F 2. In terms of gender, both/and power is often the first choice of women in U.S. culture.T F 3. According to the text, if you aren't the boss at work, you don't really have any power.T F 4. Hocker and Wilmot contend that power is not owned by an individual, but is a product of a social relationship.T F 5. In intimate relationships, generally, the person who is least invested in the relationship has the most power.T F 6. According to the text, some power moves are productive, not destructive.T F 7. If you are in a low power situation or relationship, the authors of your text suggest you accept it because there isn't a lot you can do about it.T F 8. Not using all the power you have access to can be an effective conflict management tool.T F 9. I dont remember saying that is an example of denial of power.T F 10. The Power Paradox means that the more you struggle against someone, and the more you fight with her/him, the more power you have.