
Some public transit systems use an honor system whereby patrons have to show that they have paid their fare only when asked for it by an enforcement officer. With what population would such a system be successful?

a. a population that is willing to take risks and whose people believe that they will not be caught if they dont pay their fare

b. a population that places a high opportunity cost on taking time to purchase a ticket

c. a population whose people are willing to take risks, believe that they will not be caught if they dont pay their fare, and treat fines for not paying a fare as a nuisance

d. a population that is unwilling to take risks and whose people believe there is a high chance that they will be caught if they dont pay their fare

e. a population whose people are unwilling to take risks, believe there is a high chance that they will not be caught if they dont pay their fare, and place a low value on doing the right thing


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