
Station Task Time (seconds) Time left (seconds) Ready tasks
1 A 22. C,D,B
D 22. 0. C,B
2 B 36. 36. C,E
C 26. 10. E
3 E 70. 2. F
4 F 30. 42.
Summary Statistics
Cycle time 72 seconds
Time allocated (cycle time * #) 288 seconds/cycle
Time needed (sum of task times) 234 seconds/unit
Idle time (allocated-needed) 54 seconds/cycle
Efficiency (needed/allocated) 81.25%
Balance Delay (1-efficiency) 18.75%
Min (theoretical) # of stations 4

8) You have been asked to balance a flow shop assembly operation to achieve an output rate of 80 units per eight-hour day. Task times and precedence relationships are shown in the table below.


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