
Suppose that Leslie and Hussein can either make salads or grill steaks. Their maximum outputs per hour are listed in the following table. Given the same quantity of resources, at what terms of trade (relative price ratio) could they specialize and trade so that both consume outside their own production possibilities frontiers (PPFs)?


Number of Salads


Cost of 1 Salad


Number of Steaks

Opportunity Cost

of 1 Steak

Leslie 91/3 steak33 salads
Hussein121/2 steak62 salads

a. 1 salad per 1 steak

b. 2 salads per 1 steak

c. 2.5 salads per 1 steak

d. 3 salads per 1 steak

e. 3.5 salads per 1 steak


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