
Survivability is the capability of a system as a whole to fulfill its mission, in a timely manner, in the presence of attacks, failures, or accidents. United States Hospitals (USH) is a large national hospital corporation with processing centralized at their headquarters. USH is reviewing their information security plan. Part of their mission is to provide emergency services to each regional area during catastrophic events. Which of the following indicate that survivability has been specifically considered in the plan?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. One hospital in each regional area has multiple sources of communication with USH central processing.
2. Emergency power generators for all associate hospitals are tested and serviced each week
3. Each night the system at USH central processing is backed up and stored in a remote location.
4. One hospital in each regional area has an emergency protocol in place for communicating directly with the Department of Homeland Security.
5. One hospital in each regional area is especially prepared to maintain information system functionality for the emergency, operating room, lab, and pharmacy units.


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