
"Sustainable Food and Privilege: Why is Green Always White (and Male and Upper Class)" Janani Balasubramanian
Food justice, Janani Balasubramanian argues, is fundamentally a race and class issue, and food activists are not speaking about it as such. The emphahsis on local food economy fails to recognize the importance of United States support of agriculture in other parts of the world. Activists of color who do admirable work in their communities are often ignored by White activist writers and film makers. Thus we do not hear the "variety of voices' that needs to be heard if universal food reform is to be achieved.
We should not be too hasty to reject globalization, according to Balasubramania, because:
a. the U.S. make a lot of money from foreign trade
b. people in other countries depend on our purchase of their food
c. return to local consumption is impossible
d. agribusiness in the U.S. will fail without it.


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