
Task Description Predecessor(s) Time (min.)
A Place circuit into circuit frame -- 50
B Solder circuit connections to central circuit control A 0.70
C Place circuit assembly in device frame B 0.40
D Attach circuit assembly to device frame C 0.30
E Place and attach display to frame -- 0.30
F Place and attach keypad to frame -- 0.20
G Place and attach top body of device to frame E, F 0.35
H Place and attach battery holder to frame D 0.40
I Place and attach bottom body of device to frame G, H 0.60
J Test device I 0.30

a. Draw the precedence diagram for this problem.

b. What is the sum of the task times?

c. What cycle time will allow the production of 200 units over a ten-hour day?

d. What is the theoretical number of workstations needed?

e. Balance this assembly line using the heuristic most following tasks and the heuristic longest operation time.

f. How do these two solutions differ? Which do you prefer; why?


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