
The Bargain of 1877

a. formed a commission to oversee the results of the presidential election.

b. was not fulfilled in all its parts.

c. included the agreement that Hayes would put a northerner in the cabinet position of postmaster general.

d. radicalized black activists.

e. gave more power to southern Republicans.

ANS: B TOP: The Overthrow of Reconstruction

DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 585 | Seagull p. 601

MSC: Remembering OBJ: 4. Explain the main factors, in both the North and South, for the overthrow of Reconstruction.


test 1

___ 1. Benjamin Turner

___ 2. Andrew Johnson

___ 3. Charles Sumner

___ 4. Carl Schurz

___ 5. Edwin Stanton

___ 6. Elizabeth Cady Stanton

___ 7. Lyman Trumbull

___ 8. Hiram Revels

___ 9. Ulysses S. Grant

___ 10. Horace Greeley

___ 11. Blanche Bruce

___ 12. Frederick Douglass

a. second black U.S. senator

b. proposed the Civil Rights Bill of 1866

c. Presidential Reconstruction

d. Liberal Republicans presidential candidate

e. abolitionist who condemned anti-Asian discrimination

f. Reconstruction congressman and black leader

g. Whiskey Ring

h. leader of the Republican Party

i. National Woman Suffrage Association

j. Radical Republican senator from Massachusetts

k. first black U.S. senator

l. secretary of war


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