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The chapter's opening anecdote about Eric Staib illustrates what component of self-concept?A. looking-glass self
B. social comparison
C. ideal self
D. ought self
E. none of the options are correct
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Related questions
While at the park with friends, Mia boasts about what a good gymnast she was when growing up. When she attempts to show off her cartwheel, she fails and falls to the ground. What is Mia likely to experience as a result?
A. individualism
B. losing face
C. embarrassment
D. both "losing face" and "embarrassment" are correct
E. none of the options are correct
Our self-esteem is likely to
A. increase as we decrease differences between our ought and ideal selves
B. decrease as we increase differences between our ought and ideal selves
C. stay the same as long as we align our ought and ideal selves
D. increase once we find our ideal self
E. increase only if we live in an appearance-obsessed culture
Which of the following may increase your self-esteem?
A. establishing consistency between your ought and ideal selves
B. living in an appearance-obsessed culture
C. revising and redefining unrealistic standards you"ve set for your self
D. engaging in social comparison
E. both "establishing consistency between your ought and ideal selves" and "revising and redefining unrealistic standards you"ve set for your self" are correct
A relational partner with a preoccupied attachment style may be characterized by
A. high anxiety
B. low avoidance
C. a desire for closeness
D. a fear of rejection
E. all of the options are correct
According to the social penetration theory, at which layer is a person's values, self-concept, and personality revealed?
A. peripheral layer
B. intermediate layer
C. central layer
D. outer layer
E. innermost layer
When communicating online, you should
A. remain aware of your face
B. remember that viewers tend to perceive you based upon your intended self-perception
C. never present a mask
D. never presume the gender of someone you are communicating with
E. all of the options are correct
Enduring principles that govern your behavior are called
A. attitudes
B. values
C. beliefs
D. personal constructs
E. masks
Which of the following statements best exemplifies the influence the looking-glass self has on your self-concept?
A. My mom tells me I am the best little boy in the world and I believe her.
B. I am a son and a student.
C. I think Olivia is the smartest student in the class besides me.
D. I am an extroverted people person.
E. none of the options are correct
Which of the following represents an appropriate amount of self-disclosure at the very beginning of a relationship?
A. little breadth and little depth
B. little breadth and great depth
C. great breadth and little depth
D. great breadth and great depth
E. none of the options are correct
If you and your friend discuss many different topics but do so on a superficial level only, your self-disclosure has
A. minimal breadth and depth
B. great breadth and depth
C. great breadth but little depth
D. great depth but little breadth
E. none of the options are correct
According to self-discrepancy theory, individuals are most happy when their self is most similar to their ideal and ought selves.
According to the social penetration theory, depth refers to the number of different aspects of self a relational partner reveals.
Your public self is synonymous with your face.
People tend to disclose more quickly when interacting face-to-face than when interacting online.
Match the concept, term, or theory with its correct response or definition. dismissive attachment
self embarrassment
self-awareness face
self-concept fearful attachment
self-concept clarity gender
self-disclosure interpersonal process model of intimacy
self-discrepancy theory intimacy
self-esteem looking-glass self
self-fulfilling prophecies mask
social comparison preoccupied attachment
social penetration theory secure attachment
warranting value The degree to which one has a clearly defined and consistent sense of self.
Match the concept, term, or theory with its correct response or definition. dismissive attachment
self embarrassment
self-awareness face
self-concept fearful attachment
self-concept clarity gender
self-disclosure interpersonal process model of intimacy
self-discrepancy theory intimacy
self-esteem looking-glass self
self-fulfilling prophecies mask
social comparison preoccupied attachment
social penetration theory secure attachment
warranting value A public self designed to hide your private self.
Match the concept, term, or theory with its correct response or definition.dismissive attachmentselfembarrassmentself-awarenessfaceself-conceptfearful attachmentself-concept claritygenderself-disclosureinterpersonal process model of intimacyself-discrepancy theoryintimacyself-esteemlooking-glass selfself-fulfilling propheciesmasksocial comparisonpreoccupied attachmentsocial penetration theorysecure attachmentwarranting valueAn evolving composite of self-awareness, self-concept, and self-esteem.
Match the concept, term, or theory with its correct response or definition.dismissive attachmentselfembarrassmentself-awarenessfaceself-conceptfearful attachmentself-concept claritygenderself-disclosureinterpersonal process model of intimacyself-discrepancy theoryintimacyself-esteemlooking-glass selfself-fulfilling propheciesmasksocial comparisonpreoccupied attachmentsocial penetration theorysecure attachmentwarranting valuePredictions about future interactions that lead you to behave in ways that ensure the interaction will unfold as you predicted.
Match the concept, term, or theory with its correct response or definition.dismissive attachmentselfembarrassmentself-awarenessfaceself-conceptfearful attachmentself-concept claritygenderself-disclosureinterpersonal process model of intimacyself-discrepancy theoryintimacyself-esteemlooking-glass selfself-fulfilling propheciesmasksocial comparisonpreoccupied attachmentsocial penetration theorysecure attachmentwarranting valueObserving and assigning meaning to others' behaviors and comparing them against your own.
Match the concept, term, or theory with its correct response or definition.dismissive attachmentselfembarrassmentself-awarenessfaceself-conceptfearful attachmentself-concept claritygenderself-disclosureinterpersonal process model of intimacyself-discrepancy theoryintimacyself-esteemlooking-glass selfself-fulfilling propheciesmasksocial comparisonpreoccupied attachmentsocial penetration theorysecure attachmentwarranting valueThe public self you want others to see and know.
Identify and explain Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
What does your textbook suggest are potential benefits of studying interpersonal communication and making informed communication decisions?
How can you increase communication competence and skills?
What are the most basic needs defined by Maslow in his hierarchy of needs?
When is it best to use quantitative research methods, and when is it most appropriate to use qualitative research methods?
What are two ways you can practice ethical communication?
Explain the difference between low and high self-monitors.
According to your text, which of the following is true regarding the issue of gender in interpersonal communication?A. Gender refers to biological differences between women and men.B. Gender largely consists of information that is learned.C. Gender refers to one's attraction to men.D. Gender refers to one's attraction to women.E. Women are more open than men.
What part of communication competence has to do with the ability to practice repeatable goal-directed behavioral patterns in your interpersonal relationships?
A. appropriateness
B. effectiveness
C. ethics
D. communication skills
E. self-monitoring
Nelson met Jason online and began texting him. The first night they were up until dawn texting each other. Their relationship could be best characterized as
A. Me-you
B. It-Thou
C. I-It
D. I-thou
E. Thou-It