
The clinic administrator has suggested that the nurse teach all children newly diagnosed with diabetes in a single class to save nursing time. The children recently diagnosed range in age from 6 to 15. The argument the nurse will use in to advocate for more than one group session would be based on:
1. Freud's theory of psychosexual development, which states that the six-year-old child's sexual energy is at rest while the adolescent has developed mature sexuality.
2. Erikson's psychosocial theory, which discusses how children learn to relate to others.
3. Piaget's cognitive development theory, which says the six-year-old learns by concrete examples while the 15-year-old can think abstractly.
4. Kohlberg's theory, which says the young child is conventional in his thinking and will want to learn to please others while the older child can internalize values and will learn for his own principles.


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