
The Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984

a. created the federal parole system.

b. instituted soft sentencing guidelines.

c. temporarily abolished the death penalty.

d. reinstated the federal death penalty.

e. lowered national spending on criminal justice.

ANS: D TOP: The Reagan Revolution

DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 1057 | Seagull p. 1032

MSC: Understanding OBJ: 4. Discuss the roots of the rise of conservatism in the 1970s.


Test 1

___ 1. Oliver North

___ 2. Phyllis Schlafly

___ 3. Henry Kissinger

___ 4. Jimmy Carter

___ 5. George Bush

___ 6. Sandra Day OConner

___ 7. Warren Burger

___ 8. Jerry Falwell

___ 9. Ronald Reagan

___ 10. Richard Nixon

___ 11. Geraldine Ferraro

___ 12. Mikhail Gorbachev

a. first woman appointed to the Supreme Court

b. leader of the Moral Majority

c. vice presidential candidate

d. Supreme Court chief justice

e. supporter of the Family Assistance Plan

f. national security adviser

g. Soviet leader

h. Strategic Defense Initiative

i. staunch opponent of the ERA

j. Camp David Accords

k. Iran-Contra affair

l. Reagans vice president


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