
The following questions relate to a 1/2 hour "Friends" shown in class. The program will be played again.

A. Identify examples of how the characters use the following to communicate effectively: (1) use of space, (2) vocal cues, (3) eye contact, (4) physical appearance
B. Think about the relationship between Monica and Phoebe. Diagram their relationship via the Johari Window. Provide a rationale for your answer.
C. Would you say that the communication between Monica and Phoebe is primarily defensive or supportive? What supportive and defensive climates are apparent? Support your answer.
D. The text discusses four specific language-related problems that frequently plague groups. What examples can you find in this program that relate to one or more of these problems?
E. Group participants enact a variety of roles. The text refers to task, maintenance, and individual or self-serving roles. Take three characters and identify one or more roles you see him/her enact. Define the role. Use sample dialogue to support your choice.

To the Instructor: The above is an example--just about any half-hour sitcom will work for this question. Clearly, this question will take some time for students to answer.


Answers will vary