
The government has been trying to encourage the use of fuel-efficient cars. One way it has been doing this has been by allowing fuel-efficient cars to use a separate highway lane. This encourages people to use fuel-efficient cars because

a. those who place a high value on their scarce time may be encouraged to buy a fuel-efficient car to take advantage of the separate highway lane.

b. those who place a low value on their scarce time may be encouraged to buy a fuel-efficient car to take advantage of the separate highway lane.

c. those who are more concerned about the environment are also those who happen to place a high value on their time.

d. those who purchase a fuel-efficient car are forced to pay more for a new car, and the use of the separate highway lane compensates them for this.

e. those who purchase a fuel-efficient car are likely to be unhappy because it is less powerful or more cramped inside; use of the separate highway lane compensates them for this.


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