
The iron content of foods can be determined by dissolving them in acid (forming Fe3+), reducing the iron(III) to iron(II), and titrating with cerium(IV):

Identify the two half-reactions in the above reaction.
oxidation half-reaction reduction half-reaction
A) Fe2+(aq) + e-->Fe3+(aq) Ce4+(aq) -> Ce3+(aq) + e-
B) Fe2+(aq) → Fe3+(aq) + e- Ce4+(aq) + e- -> Ce3+(aq)
C) Ce4+(aq) + e- -> Ce3+(aq) Fe2+(aq) -> Fe3+(aq) + e-
D) Ce4+(aq) -> Ce3+(aq) + e- Fe2+(aq) + e- -> Fe3+(aq)


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