
The primary purpose for enactment of the Equal Pay Act is _____________.

A. To eliminate situations in which women, working alongside men or replacing men, would be paid lower wages for doing substantially the same job.

B. To eliminate situations in which less qualified men were hired as opposed to better qualified women.

C. To eliminate situations in which women and men were being paid less than deserved for certain types of work.

D. To eliminate situations in which women, working alongside men or replacing men, would be paid lower wages for doing substantially the same job; to eliminate situations in which less qualified men were hired as opposed to better qualified women; and to eliminate situations in which women and men were being paid less than deserved for certain types of work.

E. To eliminate situations in which women, working alongside men or replacing men, would be paid lower wages for doing substantially the same job; to eliminate situations in which less qualified men were hired as opposed to better qualified women; but not to eliminate situations in which women and men were being paid less than deserved for certain types of work.


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