
The reaction between selenous acid and the iodide ion in acid solution is
H2SeO3(aq) + 6I-(aq) + 4H+(aq) → Se(s) + 2I3-(aq) + 3H2O(l)
The data in the following table were measured at 0C.

Experiment[H2SeO3]0(M)[H+]0(M)[I"]0(M)Initial Rate [mol/(L·s)]
11.00 x 10-42.00 x 10-23.00 x 10-25.30 x 10-7
22.00 x 10-42.00 x 10-23.00 x 10-21.06 x 10-6
33.00 x 10-44.00 x 10-23.00 x 10-26.36 x 10--6
43.00 x 10-48.00 x 10-23.00 x 10-22.54 x 10-5
53.00 x 10-48.00 x 10-26.00 x 10-22.04 x 10-4
62.00 x 10-42.00 x 10-26.00 x 10-28.48 x 10-6

Tripling the initial concentration of I- while holding the initial concentrations of H2SeO3 and H+ constant increases the initial rate of the reaction by a factor of
A) 27.
B) 9.
C) 3.
D) 8.
E) 6.


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